
Decision on the participation of Russian organizations

The ongoing Russian invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine has caused immense human suffering and pain. We are all hoping for a peaceful resolution to the war and the minimization of further casualties and tragedy.

With the current appalling situation in mind, we have decided that individuals and organizations with connections to the Russian government will not be allowed to be represented in upcoming RMR matches and the PGL Antwerp Major.

Therefore, as things stand, we will ban Virtus.pro and Gambit Esports from participating in the RMR and the upcoming PGL Antwerp Major. We will, however, allow the players currently associated with Virtus.pro and Gambit Esport to play under neutral names and jerseys, as we recognize that the players are not complicit in the situation.

Our hearts go out to those affected by the war. We will monitor the situation as it progresses and will be transparent to both the public and participants of our tournaments if further actions are needed.